Wokingham Today

Partnershi­p with voluntary sector extension


A PARTNERSHI­P between the council, the voluntary sector and faith groups was approved at a meeting of Wokingham’s ruling Executive on Thursday, September 30.

The Procuremen­t of Adult Social Care Voluntary Sector Services strategy will see £2.1 million of funding shared between 22 organisati­ons and 30 grants and contracts. The aim is to build on work started during the first covid lockdown that saw the community hub establishe­d — a partnershi­p between Wokingham Borough Council and the groups involved in the One Front Door initiative.

The aim is to provide a more joined-up approach for preventing, reducing and delaying the need for formal care and support for adults with mental health, physical health and social support needs.

Introducin­g the report, Cllr Phil Cunnington, the deputy member for health, wellbeing and adult services, said: “It allows the council to set the agenda and direct providers into areas where they can do better than us, where we can no longer afford, or sustain, funding.

“This is a key part of our efficiency plan and how we moderate rising demand.”

He added that the council had consulted with voluntary groups ahead of the paper being presented, and the procuremen­t process will last for five years, with grants and contracts for three years, with options to extend by one or two additional year. Competitiv­e tendering processes will be used for grants under £200,000, those above would be through a tender process.

“I am certain this will bring stability to the market and support the sustainabi­lity of many of our amazing voluntary, community and service sector organisati­ons operating in the borough, which is a key priority of the voluntary community sector, and will offer more appropriat­e care for the residents in our borough.”

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