Wokingham Today

Time to talk parties


Last week’s letter ‘The local party has a real problem’ was really insightful of Wokingham politics, where ‘Party rules’ (not Christmas party rules) take priority over everything, including residents.

I agree with the writer that it’s “Time to purge the dinosauric old boy network that pervades the organisati­on” (local Tory party).

Democracy and residents come way behind in the ‘follow the leader’ culture that currently purveys.

The ruling Executive actually dictates answers prior to debate or consultati­on.

The November Council meeting saw a Cllr asking leaders which way they should vote as they stood at the microphone. Had they not listened to the debate or bothered to read the copious documentat­ion supplied?

Another Cllr, obviously confused by the haphazard debate, was openly ridiculed for voting the ‘wrong way’. Democracy?

The University of Reading openly state they have been working with Wokingham on the local plan for some time. Given recent planning history, hardly surprising. The cosy, first name terms, do whatever we can to help, relationsh­ip between the University and Wokingham planners is different from the planning experience of residents. Residents don’t even get given a name.

A resident recently told me ‘it was almost like they (WBC) went out of their way to make it awkward, it was a nightmare’.

Other resident applicatio­ns have been refused on difficult to understand grounds. How many University applicatio­ns have not been recommende­d? The local plan process has not engaged residents, Parish Councils or other landowners in proposals. Why?

The Local plan is an example of a few seeking to serve themselves and the party.

Just look at the imbalance of housing proposals, openly Nimby. Is it a coincidenc­e that the local plan was published, after multiple unexplaine­d delays, just after lead ‘dinosaurs’ had been up for re-election? No chance of any backlash there?

Cllrs of a certain persuasion have been strictly instructed NOT to talk to developers with alternativ­e proposals to the local plan. Denying options, other than your own, the chance to be explored is hardly meaningful consultati­on.

The ‘Enough is Enough’ consultati­on clearly set out Wokingham residents mandate. It has been ignored. Why?

Just like current national politics, it is hard to believe anything said by some local parties. Multiple ‘party’ strap lines have been published about putting residents first. Are we really be expected to believe them?

For example, during a recent planning inquiry, Wokingham planners clearly stated a developmen­t in Shinfield would not be in the local plan. It is of course there with housing density increased by over 40%. They simply cannot be trusted.

What Wokingham needs is a Council that truly puts residents first, not with meaningles­s words and strap lines but with action.

There are some excellent Councillor­s and Officers in Wokingham, who if freed from the ‘party rules’ would make Wokingham a truly great place to live. All we need to do is get rid of the ‘dinosaurs’.

Cllr Jim Frewin, indpendent councillor on Wokingham Borough Council for Shinfield South

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