Wokingham Today

Santa pays a visit to Hurst church’s Christmas Fayre

- By SUE CORCORAN news@wokingham.today

DOZENS of children queued at a community fair to see Father Christmas earlier this month.

The man in red then disappeare­d up a chimney on his way back to the North Pole, and there’s a photo to show him starting off on his return journey.

The bearded chap was a big hit at Hurst’s St Nicholas Church Christmas fair which took on a new format this year.

One of the organisers, Becky Vaughan, said: “The fair went really well. We welcomed lots of visitors from Hurst and around who could enjoy a community event in a safe manner as most of it was outside.

“It was great to see the fair back this year, in its new format with an outside Christmas market.

“Father Christmas had a queue for most of the day and enjoyed meeting lots of children before going back to the North Pole to put his feet up.”

The fair raised funds for the church and also village groups. Hurst Scouts ran a barbecue and Hurst Pantomime Group sold tickets for their show. There are special rates for the Thursday, January 20, performanc­e.

Other stalls were run by the church, St Nicholas Primary and St Nicholas Preschool. Children could make Christmas tree decoration­s.

Talented crafters from Hurst and area sold their creations. Sue Cummings celebrated the first birthday of her business Wooded Hill Art Studio. She draws digital illustrati­ons on her computer to create greetings cards.

Carina Disney of Hurst and her partner Jos Kerkvliet, who are both potters, sold bowls, mugs and sculpted clay work. Amy Simon’s stall included her decorated vases, coasters, and highly popular bird boxes.

 ?? Picture: Sue Corcoran ?? GOING HOME: Father Christmas makes his way back to the North Pole
Picture: Sue Corcoran GOING HOME: Father Christmas makes his way back to the North Pole

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