Wokingham Today

If we work as Team Wokingham we could achieve so much

- Cllr Jim Frewin

IWRITE this from a very different council chamber. A Chamber that on Thursday night was full of mixed emotions, elation, disappoint­ment, excitement, frustratio­n, apprehensi­on and some unfortunat­e examples of party political bitterness.

Along with my Independen­t colleague, I had found myself in a strange and possibly unique situation, with some difficult decisions to make.

I had been personally inundated with calls and contacts from a multitude of people, some asking, some demanding, some trying to influence.

I respectful­ly listened to all and considered all the points raised. In the end it came to a straight decision, stay as you were or try something different.

I respect clever people and Einstein is widely seen as one of those. He is quoted as saying ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’. I’m not going to argue with him.

Some will say that you have to be mad to be involved in local politics, I can understand why.

I have found the experience frustratin­g, especially in trying to get a voice for Enough is Enough on Shinfield and Arborfield developmen­t and the repeated behaviours where party politics have taken priority over

working together for residents.

So, I decided to support a different approach.

I have been asked what I was offered to support the partnershi­p.

The answer is nothing except a promise to work more collaborat­ively with all members.

The only offer I had during all of this was made by the now opposition. I turned this down.

I only asked for the same thing from all parties/groups/partnershi­ps/ collaborat­ions (just in case the naming is still an issue to some).

That was to stay involved in Overview & Scrutiny, which I had enjoyed the experience of over the past two years. It had both purpose and potential benefit.

Other than that, I simply emphasised my voting and engagement neutrality going forwards was non-negotiable.

I will continue to vote as I feel right and work collaborat­ively with anyone from any party/group/partnershi­p if required.

Some have told me I am mad for trying to get Wokingham away from party politics and that it will never work.

Why not?

There are some very talented councillor­s on all sides and we are lucky to have some very talented officers. If we work as Team

Wokingham we could achieve so much.

We worked collaborat­ively during Covid, where some courageous decisions were made. Why not make this the norm?

One thing is certain, in 2024 there will be an ALL OUT election.

This means that for the next two years all groups and all councillor­s have an opportunit­y to influence residents with how and what we do and not just being associated to a party. Politician­s behaviours have been subject of extreme bad press for some time now.

People are fed up with politician­s, I know I am.

All Wokingham groups have stated that we are only here to serve the residents. Why not try and do that over party politics?

To slightly misquote Churchill ‘Some will change their party for the sake of principles, others their principles for the sake of the party’.

No one enters local politics without a principle of trying to make a difference for their community. Could we try to put that principle first in a Team Wokingham? Cllr Jim Frewin is an independen­t councillor for Shinfield South, on Wokingham Borough Council

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