Wokingham Today

Call made to publish agreement


THE new leader of the opposition on Wokingham Borough Council has called on the Lib Dems to make clear what Labour and the independen­t councillor­s have been offered to allow the change in leadership.

Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, making her maiden speech, said: “In the interests of transparen­cy, perhaps the Lib-Lab coalition Members will tell residents what they have been offered to join this coalition?

“Residents who put their cross next to Labour candidates at the election may also be taken aback that those same councillor­s have now dissolved their parties and decided to join the Lib Dems.

“A pity that wasn’t mentioned when they were out asking for people’s votes.”

As leader of the Conservati­ves, she pledged her party would tackle being in opposition differentl­y to the Lib Dems. The No Overall Control result from the recent local elections meant that the party would “support the need to work together to tackle the challenges ahead”.

“Where we believe the Lib Dem led Group are doing things that are of benefit to Borough residents, we will support them, but we will also hold them to account when they fail,” she said.

One example, she said, was working on the local plan and housing numbers.

“The message from residents is clear: we must put aside our difference­s more for the benefit of the Borough,” Cllr Jorgensen said.

And she called for a something similar to prime ministers questions during council meetings, or more time for council motions to be discussed.

Cllr Jorgensen also said that the new Lib Dem executive would inherit “an enviable legacy”, that included “sound financial management”, new schools, roads and leisure centres along with £57 million for social housing.

She said: “When the going gets tough, as it inevitably will for any new administra­tion, I hope they won’t fall back on the trope of trying to blame it on the excellent situation they’ve inherited.”

And she praised her colleagues, who she promised would provide scrutiny, challenge, and “make the case to the residents of this great Borough on why they should return a Conservati­ve administra­tion at the next election.”

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