Wokingham Today

Beauty spots praised for restoring wildlife


CHARVIL Country Park and Charvil Meadows have both been designated as Local Wildlife Sites following a recent meeting of the Thames Valley Environmen­tal Records Centre’s (TVERC) independen­t assessment panel.

The two public green spaces in Wokingham borough have been recognised as havens for a variety of wild animals including birds, insects and otters.

TVERC was impressed by the wildlife in the area.

Several wetland bird species, including bitterns winter on the site, along with Gadwall and smew, two nationally important types of wildfowl.

The area is also home to wading birds like oystercatc­hers and the common tern.

They noted several non-agressive rare bee and wasp species that prey on smaller insects and are crucial for balancing the wildlife population.

And otters have returned after an absence of about 20 years.

The area boasts two nationally rare plants: the beautiful Loddon Lily, which flowers in the spring, and the Loddon pondweed.

Measuring almost 42 hectares in total, the sites are part of Carvil Wildlife Reserve.

They are managed by Wokingham Borough Council, with support from Charvil Parish Council.

TVERC experts also praised the high level of public access.

Visitors can follow routes ranging between 6.3km (3.9 miles) and 1.4km (0.9 miles) around the entire site or circling any of the five lakes.

Six self-guided walks will soon be available to download to visitors’ phones from a QR code.

Eight informatio­n boards displaying the code will soon be installed at site entrances on Park Lane car park, Old Bath Road and Vale View.

Cllr Ian Shenton, executive member for environmen­t, sport and leisure at Wokingham Borough Council, said: “We’re immensely proud of the Local Wildlife Site designatio­n.

“It’s a testament to the hard work our officers, partners and volunteers have put into making the site a welcoming, hospitable place for both our borough’s wildlife and the people who visit to enjoy it.”

The recognitio­n comes after 25 years of careful management.

This includes coppicing areas of woodland, creating new reed beds at lake perimeters and installing holts for otters.

Hay cutting and grazing have also helped to conserve grassland in Charvil Meadows, while plant cuttings have been left for insects to inhabit.

Cllr Shenton continued: “Our approach has been to give nature the chance to take its course and this has paid dividends.

“We hope more residents will be encouraged to visit and enjoy the treasures they may not even know existed on their own doorstep.”

For more informatio­n about the borough’s country parks and other outdoor spaces visit: www.wokingham. gov.uk

 ?? Picture: S.Herman and F.Richter via Pixabay ?? BACK: Otters have returned after 20 years.
Picture: S.Herman and F.Richter via Pixabay BACK: Otters have returned after 20 years.

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