Wokingham Today

Theresa May’s picnic recollecti­on

- By JAKE CLOTHIER jclothier@wokingham.today

FORMER Prime Minister Theresa May, MP for Maidenhead, has paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in parliament on Friday, September 9.

Ms May addressed members gathering to pay respects, saying: “Queen Elizabeth II was quite simply the most remarkable person I have ever met.”

Her address continued: “I am sometimes asked who, among all the world leaders I met, was the most impressive.

“I have no hesitation in saying ... (it) was Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She gave a lifetime of service, as she promised to do when she was 21.

“Her selfless devotion to duty was an inspiratio­n and example to us all.

“She was respected and loved, not just here in the United Kingdom and in her other realms in the Commonweal­th, but across the world. That love, respect and admiration was born not out of her position, but because of the person she was: a woman of dignity and grace, of compassion and warmth, of mischief and joy, of wisdom and experience, and of a deep understand­ing of her people.

“Like so many, I had never known another monarch. She was a constant throughout our lives, always there for us, uniting us at times of difficulty — and, as others have said, most recently during covid, when she gave us hope that we would once more come together.

“Her passing marks a generation­al change, not just because of the length of her service, but because of what she lived through.

“When we marked the 75th anniversar­y of the D-day landings in 2019, she was with the world leaders not just as Queen, but as someone who had worn uniform during the Second World War —an experience that, quite apart from anything else, had taught her how to strip an engine.”

She continued: “On her platinum jubilee, I saw that at the Commonweal­th Heads of Government meeting in 2018, when there was a reception at Windsor before a lunch.

“The leaders were gathered and talking among themselves, and I knew that Her Majesty was going to join the reception, but they did not.

“The minute she walked into the room, the sense of love and respect was palpable, and they all turned and wanted to speak to her.”

She added: “I also saw that quality on other occasions, including on what was one of the last—if not the last— appearance­s she made in public, when she came to open Thames Hospice in July.

“The moment she walked through the door, the atmosphere in the room changed; you felt the love and respect of the people there for her..

“Across the nations of the world and for so many people, meeting Queen Elizabeth simply made their day, and for many will be the memory of their life.”

Of her relationsh­ip with the Queen she said: “Her Majesty loved the countrysid­e. She was down to earth and a woman of common sense.

“I remember one picnic at Balmoral that was taking place in one of the bothies on the estate. The hampers came from the castle, and we all mucked in to put the food and drink out on the table.

“I picked up some cheese, put it on a plate and was transferri­ng it to the table. The cheese fell on the floor. I had a split-second decision to make: I picked up the cheese, put it on a plate and put the plate on the table.

“I turned round to see that my every move had been watched very carefully by Her Majesty the Queen. I looked at her, she looked at me and she just smiled.

“And the cheese remained on the table.”

She concluded: “This is indeed a sad day, but it is also a day of celebratio­n for a life well spent in the service of others.

“She gave an example to us all of faith, of service, of duty, of dignity and of decency. She was remarkable, I doubt we will ever see her like again.”

 ?? ?? Theresa May MP
Theresa May MP

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