Wokingham Today

Young director’s debut released on iPlayer


THE DEBUT film of a Wokingham borough woman has been released on BBC’s iPlayer platform so everyone can see it.

Katerina Holmes wrote and directed Speak To Me Listen To Me between 2019 and 2020.

Supported by Arts Council England and BBC Arts, her vision was turned into a reality, as part of its New Creatives Scheme.

And Ms Holmes has severe cerebral palsy and communicat­es by pointing at letters on a board.

She is thrilled that her work can now be seen by millions.

“I am so pleased and excited to say that my film, Speak To Me, Listen To

Me, is being released by the BBC. The film was commission­ed in 2019 as part of the New Creatives Scheme and completed in 2020,” she said.

“It felt great to be selected for this scheme.

“People would be able to hear my voice as a disabled artist. The film says a lot about what it is like to be disabled in our society and how people respond to you as a disabled person.”

She added: “I was encouraged to apply by Resource Production­s, who supported me through the whole process. Dom (from Resource) is tireless and very committed.

“Screen South and BBC Arts really helped with the developmen­t of my ideas and I enjoyed learning from industry profession­als like Jes Benstock.”

Ms Holmes said it was exciting to see the film go from an idea to an actual production.

“The whole team worked together to realise my ideas and it was fantastic to be part of that. It was great to work with disabled actors, who really understood where I was coming from,” she explained.

“The film was produced by Dom at Resource.

“We shot it over two days at Treloars College. I had a fantastic cast - Kate Caryer, Ed Clements and Imogen Roberts - who responded to the script and worked hard throughout the shoot, and a highly committed crew including Dominique Unsworth, Leigh Alner, Euan Donaldson and Mel Wignall.”

■ The film was released on iPlayer, and can be seen: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ programmes/p0crc4xf

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