Wokingham Today

Positive difference


When someone willingly volunteers for a job, because they always thought that they could do it better, you’d think that that person would get on with it with positivity.

After all, nobody forced them to take it on.

But all that the people of Wokingham seem to have been subject to since wannabe Member of Parliament Councillor Clive Jones, Leader of the ad-hoc coalition that is Wokingham Borough Council, got to be in charge is one big long whine-fest.

All we seem to get is negativity and whingeing and that it’s all somebody else’s fault.

What we need is a council leader who yearns to get things done, and problems solved because they did after all, have a long time in opposition to plan and prepare.

It would now appear that Cllr Jones wasted his time in opposition.

The council financial accounts were there for all to see beforehand, but of course it’s easier for a poor leader to blame others.

Could it be that Cllr Jones thinks that this constant whining will play well with the electorate for when he eventually makes his bid to become an MP? Is he secretly in General Election Campaignin­g mode, but hasn’t bothered to tell the people of Wokingham?

Well, Cllr Jones and his NonLiberal Non-Democrat colleagues wanted the job of running WBC. They got what they wished for, so I now suggest that they stop bellyachin­g, get on with it, and stop blaming others. The buck stops with them now.

The two Independen­t Councillor­s have firmly hitched their carts to the Lib Dem donkey. I suggest that they take very great care over their Council decisions in the future. The electorate can be very fickle.

As for Labour, they can’t even define what a female of the human species is.

God Save The King.

Paul Clarke, Wokingham

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