Wokingham Today

The Moana Lot Party


The leader of Wokingham Borough Council, Cllr Stephen Conway, of the Lib Dem Moana Lot Party, has been encouragin­g WBC residents to write, what are in effect, financial begging letters, to Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for local government.

“Please sir, can we have a lot more cash for our poor, hard-up WBC, care of the taxpayer?” This is the gist of the demands. What do we want? More money. When do we want it? Now!

Well, a sensible, savvy person might possibly say, “Take me to your Leader and we will go through the financial accounts together because taxpayer’s money is involved in your demands.”

“Oh, look Dear Leader. I see that you are demanding more cash, but you and your Lib Dem Moana Lot chums have lent a cool £10 million to another Council, which you claim cannot be got back until March 2024.”

“My question then, to you Dear Leader and your Finance Czar, Cllr Shepherd-Du Bey, another Lib Dem who likes to moan a lot, is, if you are so financiall­y hard up, why did you lend £10 million to another Council which cannot easily be returned to you?”

No wonder WBC car parking charges had to be raised by such an extortiona­te amount. My impression is that Wokingham Borough residents may be being used as cash cows to help fund another Council.

This Christmas and New Year

I think that Wokingham Borough residents should fervently hope that all the paperwork for that £10 million loan agreement is watertight, or that the cash is not needed to cover emergencie­s before March 2024.

If not, it will be a sad old Christmas and Unhappy New Year, care of the Dim Lib Dem Moana Lot Party who seem to be lending out WBC money, of which they claim they haven’t got enough for themselves, to finance a neighbouri­ng Council.

Talk about a merry-go-round.

Paul Clarke, Wokingham

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