Wokingham Today


Almost midnight on Christmas Eve


John ask round to dine?

(I really do wish I’d not drunk that I wonder if other readers have been last glass of mulled wine)

there and done this? Is that church bells I can hear ringing It’s Christmas Eve again, almost or

midnight Are they just bells in my head (for my And all through my festooned flat mind’s in a middle

nothing is stirring And my feet are like lead)

Except me, I’m making the I wonder why every Christmas Eve

mincemeat I forgot to buy from one Christmas crisis

I’m in such a middle if I only had the To another I lurch and now if I don’t

time I’d cry put a wiggle on

Now how many more mincepies is it I’ll be late for church.

I should bake? There I’ll receive the only Christmas And when will I find time to ice dear gifts worth having

Aunt M’s cake Handshakes and Christmas

This year I’d have been more greetings from friends

prepared (mincemeat and all) And hear about the true meaning of If it hadn’t ben for Aunt M’s Christmas again

Christmas Eve I’ll sing carols with the congregati­on (Three-hour long) telephone call. and then,

This year, she’s sent me yet another Together for peace on earth we’ll

knitted sweater pray

(Three sizes too small … again!) And do you know what (after the When I asked her for gloves and a service)

hat. I’ll even mean it (despite the earlier On no, now the cat’s left a Christmas crises)

Eve mouse on the mat. When to all I will say “Merry

Now how many friends did Cousin Christmas”.

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