Wokingham Today

Magic of Christmas


The magic of Christmas begins in childhood. Hanging stockings, sharing festive food and presents under the tree. It’s a time for children to make precious memories, for them to feel happiness and love – the kind of magic that lasts a lifetime.

But for vulnerable children up and down the UK, Christmas is anything but magical. No stockings. No presents. No festive food - maybe no food at all.

I know what it’s like to be a vulnerable child. As a baby I was abandoned and left to die and spent the next 14 years of my life in care until I was adopted by the wonderful Whitbread family, who gave me a future full of unconditio­nal love.

Action for Children has thousands of frontline workers helping to give vulnerable children a safe and happy childhood, making sure they are supported in their time of need.

They see children without a bed sleeping on the floor with just blankets, and families phoning in tears because they have no money to feed their children. They’re seeing more children suffering, more families at breaking point and a level of poverty that should be confined to history.

This year, with the cost of living crisis continuing to hurt too many children and leaving them extremely vulnerable, Action for Children’s frontline staff all over the country will be needed more than ever. Your support could help stop children going hungry. Your gift could help make sure children have the essentials. You could help keep children warm.

Be a Secret Santa and you could help a vulnerable child feel the magic of Christmas. To become a Secret Santa for Action for Children visit iamsanta.org.uk

Fatima Whitbread MBE, former Olympic medallist, world champion and Action for

Children ambassador

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