Wokingham Today

What will Clive do?


It is well known from the pages of Wokingham.Today that Windy Wannabe MP for Wokingham, Liberal Democrat Parliament­ary Candidate Clive Jones, is desperate to oust Sir John Redwood, the current MP, at the next General Election.

Sir John is of course the Tory

MP for Wokingham of many years standing.

On the rare occasions that I have had to write to Sir John about a problem he has always taken the type of action that you would expect of a very good constituen­cy MP.

Following TV and Press coverage about the Post Office Horizon scandal, it would seem that some MPs weren’t quite so keen to help ordinary people caught up in a nightmare worthy of Kafka, even though said MPs held Ministeria­l positions directly related to the Post Office at the time of the Horizon problems.

Step forward one Sir Ed Davey who is currently national leader of the Liberal Democrats.

When asked to help people caught up in what has become the biggest miscarriag­e of justice in UK history, he sided with the Big Bosses of the Post Office who were unjustly persecutin­g their employees. In effect, he washed his hands of the whole thing.

I can empathise with the people persecuted over Horizon. In 2005, I organised a petition in my workplace over a newly installed computer system costing millions of pounds where the people at the bottom were getting the blame for it not working properly, as the supplier claimed it would.

The petition went to the

Chairman and Managing Director among others.

Luckily, they eventually listened to the workforce and changes were made. An article in the local newspaper helped speed things along, but that was another’s doing.

After all, reputation is everything. The big question now though for Windy Wannabe MP Clive Jones is, when will he and all of his Lib Dem cronies start their campaign to immediatel­y oust Sir Ed Davey from the Liberal Democratic Party?

During the next few weeks, the people of Wokingham Borough will really find out how principled Clive Jones and his Lib Dem chums are.

Will they take the right and just action that needs to be taken, quickly?

Or, will the Lib Dems continue to protect someone who looked the other way, through their acts or omissions, while innocent people suffered grievously?

After all, Reputation Is Everything.

Paul Clarke, Wokingham

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