Wokingham Today

Police to seize e-Scooters in crackdown

- By NICK CLARK Local democracy reporter

A CRACKDOWN on e-scooters is moving to its ‘enforcemen­t phase’, Thames Valley Police’s chief constable has warned – but officers may not givechase those attempting a getaway.

Before Christmas, the force launched its crackdown on the twowheeled transport, with a campaign warning that they are illegal to drive on roads and pavements.

Now Chief Constable Jason Hogg has said officers will start to confiscate the scooters, and seek to prosecute users or their parents.

He said officers without a helmet ‘cannot pursue’ people who escape.

Mr Hogg said: “The problem is when we have a young person or anybody on an e-scooter who makes off from the police without a helmet, we cannot pursue them.

“There are two cases across the country where police officers are being investigat­ed for manslaught­er for trying to do their job effectivel­y by getting some children who were on e-scooters.

“I’m not prepared to put my officers in that position.”

CC Hogg previously pointed to two cases in Ely, South Wales and Salford, Greater Manchester, when he announced the crackdown at a meeting of Wokingham Borough Council in November last year.

Mr Hogg confirmed officers would be cautious when he updated Bracknell Forest Council on the crackdown on Wednesday, January 10.

But he added that Thames Valley Police is bringing in an ‘ off-road motorcycle team’ to catch e-scooter riders ‘safely’.

He said: “We’ve just launched a new off-road motorcycle team who can follow e-scooters in effect and there will be some cases where we can do so proportion­ately and grab them shall we say in a safe way.

“Tactically it is quite a challenge for us if people try to make off.”

Mr Hogg also said the ‘enforcemen­t phase’ would involve prosecutin­g parents of children riding e-scooters.

E-scooters are effectivel­y illegal to drive in public because it is not possible to get vehicle insurance for them.

Mr Hogg said this meant parents could be prosecuted ‘for use, cause, permit for no insurance.’

This is because the law says it is illegal to ‘ cause or permit’ another person to drive on the road without insurance.

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