Wokingham Today

Make sure you can vote

- Clive Jones Clive Jones is the Lib Dem prospectiv­e parliament­ary candidate for Wokingham

HAPPY new year and I hope you had an enjoyable time over the festive period. Even though it’s been very cold, and snow is threatenin­g to fall, I and my colleagues have been knocking on many doors throughout Wokingham since the beginning of January.

You are continuing to tell me that you are very unhappy that Thames Water are still pumping raw sewage into our rivers and streams and the challenges affecting the NHS is still causing many residents anxieties.

You continue to tell me that you are very concerned about the continued cost of living crisis, the increases in your food and energy bills and the increases in the interest you are paying on your mortgages.

Raw sewage is being pumped into our local rivers

Pupils at Emmbrook had their lessons disrupted on January 5, when there were concerns that raw sewage was flooding the entrance to the school after overflows from the Emmbrook.

There were also spillages into fields south of Forest Road to Emmbrook Road where young children regularly play. Thames Water were quick to deal with this when a local Lib

Dem councillor alerted them to the problem.

A resident near Wargrave has told me they were fed up with seeing raw sewage passing the end of their

fishing rod when they were fishing in nearby rivers. None of this should be happening and Thames Water senior Executives should be held to account for this.

We need a new Royal Berkshire Hospital

I have heard from residents that there have been some issues with the heating system at the Royal Berkshire Hospital which has led to some patients being so cold their teeth were chattering.

This just reinforces the need for a brand-new Royal Berks as soon as possible. The Conservati­ves promised us a new hospital in the 2019 General election, it hasn’t happened, not a brick has been laid and may not be until 2030.

So much for Conservati­ve election promises.

Cost of Living crisis

You have also been telling me of concerns you have about interest rates on your mortgages and your children’s mortgages. Anyone signing up for a new mortgage in 2024 will see a considerab­le increase in the interest payments due to the disastrous Liz Truss budget which was supported so strongly by Wokingham’s MP John Redwood.

Along with further increases in energy bills and food inflation still very high, many of you are rightly concerned that all these things will cost you at least £500 a month.

What upsets so many people is this is £500 that they are unable to spend in the local economy supporting local businesses and retailers where many of our friends and neighbours work.

Elections this year

We have local elections on May 2, and there could be an early general election around that time. If the general election isn’t in April or May many political commentato­rs think it will be in October.

You should contact the council to make sure you are registered to vote and make sure you have some personal ID as you’ll need it if you want to vote in person on polling day.

Alternativ­ely, you apply to the council to have a postal vote which means you don’t have to go the polling station with ID.

My colleagues and I will continue to speak to as many of you possible, in the meantime if you help from the Lib Dem team, please contact me on: clive.jones@wokingham.org.uk

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