Wokingham Today

You deserve better

- Cllr Pauline Jorgensen Cllr Pauline Jorgensen is leader of Wokingham Conservati­ves and ward member for Hillside

LIBERAL Democrat-run Wokingham Borough Council issued a story this week saying recycling was increasing but “we” can do better. This is the same administra­tion which scrapped liners for food waste caddies, despite warnings that this would deter people from recycling.

The lack of self-reflection is staggering – maybe ithe Lib Dems could do better, not residents.

As has become the habit of this administra­tion, they like to claim credit for things done by others, while ignoring the impact of their own policies.

The Council’s press release triumphant­ly talks about how recycling increased from 34% a decade ago to more than half today. But it was the introducti­on of food waste recycling by the previous Conservati­ve administra­tion that increased the rate of recycling to 50% by 2020.

With that in mind, a reasonable person would think that it would be unhelpful at best to make changes that would put people off recycling.

Not if you’re a Lib Dem councillor in Wokingham Borough, apparently.

In 2022, when the Lib Dem administra­tion stopped supplying caddy liners, they promised that a “targeted communicat­ions campaign” would lead to an increase in food recycling rates, which would save the Council £350,000.

Conservati­ve councillor­s told them this would be a mistake, and tried to get the Lib Dems to change their mind – but we were ignored.

Now Lib Dems admit more work is needed.

Not content with reducing a service, while hoping it will deliver better results, the Lib Dems will also be scrapping weekly bin collection­s.

The Lib Dems care so little about what you think, their response to criticism of this policy is to claim weekly bin collection­s will continue and to call the petition “spurious”.

They know full well that a bin lorry will still turn up at your house every week, but will only collect some of your bins. The Lib Dems are trying to take residents for fools.

The stock response from the administra­tion is that the Council has no money. Yet there is no guarantee that savings will be made by moving to fortnightl­y collection­s. Council estimates assume that residents will suddenly stop creating 3% of the waste they currently produce and recycle 13% more dry waste and 20% more food waste.

Last month, the Government announced that Wokingham Borough Council will have an increase in its core spending power by more than the national average. It is increasing more than any other Council in Berkshire and we will have the second highest spending power per dwelling in Berkshire, only behind Slough.

Even putting that to one side, the Conservati­ves proposed a plan to change the authority’s spending priorities last year so weekly waste collection­s could be kept. But we were ignored again.

We have a Lib Dem administra­tion that wants to increase recycling yet makes it harder to recycle food waste, at the same time as claiming they will cut the costs of collecting household waste by still sending the lorries round every week, but only picking up your bins every two weeks.

This is without getting into the debacle of when they tried to scrap some public bins and the emptying of others less, only to be surprised when rubbish piled up in the streets.

You deserve so much better than this. If the Conservati­ves are elected to run the Council in May, we will reinstate weekly bin collection and expand the recycling service. By getting more people to recycle, we will bring costs down, freeing up money for vital Council services. Under the Conservati­ves, your priorities will be our priorities.

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