Wokingham Today

Boys invited to fall in for youth club

- By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.today

A CHARITABLE youth organisati­on for boys that meets weekly for a wide range of activities is recruiting for new members.

Last week the Boys’ Brigade held an open evening for boys and their families, to try out the group and sample some of the fun.

But leaders say it’s not too late to try them out.

Aaron Pritchard, leader of the 1st Woodley Boys’ Brigade says BB - as it’s affectiona­tely known - is open to all boys aged five to 18, school years one to 13.

He invites anyone who missed the open evening, to email to arrange a visit at one of the weekly sessions.

The Boys’ Brigade is a Christianb­ased organisati­on founded in Glasgow in 1883. It aims to provide opportunit­ies for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environmen­t.

“Our groups are quite small, which makes them a great place to make friends, and they’re less daunting for new members,” said Aaron Pritchard.

“The boys have an opportunit­y to look up to and learn from the examples of older senior group members, and the freedom to enjoy lots of fun activities together.

“We have various battalion events, with a marching band, climbing events, football, crafts, water sports, camping, community projects, and Duke of Edinburgh Award activities.

“We’ve also done archery, roller skating, and air rifle training for the

older boys, and had a trip to the local fire station for the younger lads.

“A highlight for the two older groups is the summer camp, where the boys spend a week under canvas, and enjoy learning how to become more independen­t.”

Boys are grouped according to age:

Anchors: is for primary school pupils in years 1, 2, and 3.

Juniors: are in primary school years 4,5, and 6.

Company: brings together boys from senior school years 7, 8, and 9.

Seniors: are from years 10, 11, 12, and 13.

This year, planned activities, include a trip to Dinton Park for pond dipping,

bug hunting, and canoeing.

All the groups meet at Christ Church, Crockhamwe­ll Road, Woodley, on Wednesday evenings during term times. Anchors meet from 6pm until 7pm. Juniors from 6.30pm until 8pm. Company and Seniors from 7.10pm until 9.15pm.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming new group members,” said Mr Pritchard.

“We really encourage boys to come along, fun is guaranteed.”

To arrange a time to try out the group, email: 1woodley@boys-brigade.org.uk

For more informatio­n, visit: www.1woodley.boys-brigade.org.uk, or follow the group on Facebook or Instagram.

 ?? ?? IN TENTS EXPERIENCE: Members of the 1st Woodley Boys’ Brigade enjoying a session in the great outdoors. The group is open to newcomers joining its weekly meetings
IN TENTS EXPERIENCE: Members of the 1st Woodley Boys’ Brigade enjoying a session in the great outdoors. The group is open to newcomers joining its weekly meetings

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