Wokingham Today

This is your life?

- Captain Jan Howlin is the leader of Wokingham Salvation Army in Sturges Road, writing on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

I’M in fear of dating myself here, but do you remember the TV programme This Is Your Life? If you’ve not heard of it, it ran from 1955 to 2003. It was based around a famous or notable person being surprised by the show’s host as they went about their life.

They were then taken back to the studio and, with the help of the ‘big red book’, there would be a potted history of the celebrity’s life, with guests and family members adding stories about the highlights.

If you were asked to tell your story, what would you include?

Your accomplish­ments and achievemen­ts, the obstacles you have overcome maybe?

Who would you invite to share stories about you?

Who would be your guests?

How about some of the other stories that we are not so proud of, would we want them told and recounted?

But none of us have had flawless lives and inevitably there will be mistakes made.

Think about your story just now, each person reading this will have a different one. The only thing each of us has in common is God’s love and faithfulne­ss, whether we recognise that or not.

Take a minute to think of all the things God has blessed you with over your life.

The song Blessed Assurance comes to my mind, a song written by a very well-known and prolific hymn writer Fanny Crosby, even though she had been blind since she was a child, she really captured in her words God’s enduring love.

The chorus to the above song says this: ‘This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long’.

May each of our stories be filled with the assurance of God’s enduring love, so that we can praise him all the day long.

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