Wokingham Today

What a tip


As usual Wokingham.Today is excellent in keeping residents informed. Thanks.

I asked the Executive member for Planning a question on housing numbers recently and his reply was the Lib Dems would only plan to build the housing numbers the Government imposes on them.

He complained, on page 8 last week that the Council has built 2,000 more than they had to but why then will he not just remove the 2,300 more new houses in the draft housing plan that the Government has not asked them to build. Simple.

On page 15 the Lib Dem Leader of the Council pledged support to local businesses who are feeling the pinch and vacating the High Street. No offer to help them when he put up car parking charges and said that the footfall remained good. Why the change of heart?

Like the Wokingham Lib Dems

Council’s reducing/cutting back on litter bins, weed spraying, bottle banks storage area cleaning, town centre cleaning, non-town centre cleaning, road sweeping, footpath cleaning, A329M, A33 cleaning and grass cutting – all as part of their costcuttin­g exercises.

Not forgetting halving household waste collection­s.

What a tip they are turning Wokingham Borough into.

Sir Ed Davey was asked to apologise to the disgracefu­lly treated Post Office Staff recently on ITV 10 times but he refused. Suddenly he did and the question must be why? It would appear that the Lib Dems were losing support because he refused to apologise.

On this the Lib Dems have form. They are ruthless to all who are not converts but they will change their tack if it wins them a vote or two.

Cllr Gary Cowan, Independen­t Borough Councillor for Arborfield

at Wokingham Borough Council.

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