Wokingham Today

Former pupil makes return 50 years after final lesson


A WINNERSH primary school was delighted to receive a visit from one of its student alumni, Dr Sean Beer.

After an absence of five decades, he might have expected a detention, but instead Dr Beer was given a very warm welcome by headteache­r

Funmi Alder, her staff, and lots of excited children at the school.

Dr Beer attended the then Bearwood County Primary School from 1968 to 1974.

He returned with his wife, on behalf of himself and his two siblings, Mr Clive Beer, and Ms Susan Beer.

Instead of an apple for the teacher, he brought a painting for Bearwood Primary School.

His gift, a framed picture of the school, had been purchased by Dr Beer’s parents, Albert and Vivian Beer.

Painted by a former Headmaster’s wife, Cynthia Sparrow, it is of the original school house, built by the Walter family in 1847.

During his visit Dr Beer was able to tour school buildings, and to share with the children some of the happy memories he has of times spent in each of their classrooms.

Ms Alder said: “We were honoured to welcome Dr Beer back to Bearwood Primary School.

“His first-hand accounts of life at Bearwood in the 60s and 70s really helped the children relate to the history of the school in a much more personal way.

“One child in Year 1 described his assembly as ‘the best assembly ever’.

“We are very grateful to him and his family for very generously donating the wonderful picture of the school which will be proudly displayed.”

■ For more informatio­n, visit: www. bearwood-pri.wokingham.sch.uk or search for the school’s Facebook page.

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