Wokingham Today

Scouts are sprouting

- ■ For more informatio­n, visit: www. scouts.org.uk/join

WITH lots of young people wanting to be involved in Scouts, a borough branch has had to double its capacity to accommodat­e more young people.

1st Woodley Scout group had a growing number of young Cubs waiting to move up.

To make room for them, the organisati­on opened up a second Scout troop for boys and girls aged 10 to 14, in January last year.

Since then, youngsters have taken part in an overnight hike, been camping and kayaking, and enjoyed a Thorpe Park weekend.

Other activities have included a Taskmaster challenge, bowling, and Laser Quest.

Over the next few months, the group plans to include model car racing, a family camp, and a summer camp.

Lynda Evans, lead volunteer for the Group said: “Children involved in the group will be able to enjoy a wide range of activities, which may include abseiling, zorbing, circus skills, cooking and model-making.

“They will also learn teamwork, problem-solving, self-confidence and social skills.”

When asked what they liked about Scouts, youngsters, Milo, Owen, and Adam, had plenty to say.

Milo said he liked pioneering, Owen liked the chippy night hike as they could walk in the dark and eat chips, and Adam enjoyed the camps and days out, especially the sleepover at Thorpe Park.

In a recent survey, 94% of Scouts said they had developed skills useful to them in later life because of Scouts, and 88% said they had tried activities in Scouts that they had never tried before.

Bob, one of the volunteers with the Group said, “I’ve liked helping the children grow in confidence and I enjoy passing on my knowledge.

“I get good vibes as I’m giving back to the community.

“I’ve also learnt new skills and relearnt old ones.”

In a recent study published by Shaping The Future With Volunteeri­ng, 80% of volunteers said their wellbeing had improved; 69% said they had benefitted from gaining new skills and knowledge through the training they had received; and 85% would recommend their charity as a great place to volunteer.

 ?? ?? NEW MEMBERS WELCOME: Girls and boys aged 10 to 14 can enjoy learning new skills at 1st Woodley Scouts. Picture: 1st Woodley Scouts
NEW MEMBERS WELCOME: Girls and boys aged 10 to 14 can enjoy learning new skills at 1st Woodley Scouts. Picture: 1st Woodley Scouts

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