Wokingham Today

Conservati­ves are not on the side of leaseholde­rs

- Clllr Andrew Gray Cllr Andrew Gray is Labour party ward member for Shinfield North on Wokingham Borough Council

ONE of my favourite parts of being a councillor, is going out talking to residents every week and finding out what improvemen­ts they want to see, both in the community and at a national level

The Conservati­ve’s cost-of-living crisis often tops the list of issues with the root cause being the spiralling cost of housing and unexpected costs associated with being a leaseholde­r.

It isn’t just Liz Truss’ catastroph­ically inept budget which caused mortgage interest rates to shoot through the roof that is worrying home-owners; it is the hidden management fees, service charges and ground rents – which are a particular problem in newer estates.

Management companies can dictate whatever fees they like for their housing stock, and leaseholde­rs are powerless stop this; they are stuck in a devastatin­gly unfair system which needs reform.

Too many residents are stuck in this financial trap making the dream of home-ownership far removed from the reality.

The Conservati­ves refuse to take tough enough action on management companies; they are simply not on the side of leaseholde­rs.

Labour has an ambitious and radical plan to improve rights for leaseholde­rs which will make a real difference to thousands of people in the borough. Labour MPs are pressing for reform including a proposal to end the sale of new private leasehold houses and a system to replace private leasehold flats with commonhold.

This would immediatel­y give residents more control of the buildings and areas they live in, and stop the extortiona­te fees to management companies.

This would be a transforma­tional policy which would change the lives of countless people trying to get by.

A Labour government would legislate for a cap on ground rents as well as enforcing greater transparen­cy on service charges by publishing a list of reasonable charges. This would be pivotal in empowering residents to challenge rip-off fees, poor conditions and inadequate performanc­e by service companies.

All of these policies revolve around a transfer of power away from greedy management companies to residents which is long overdue.

Residents in Shinfield and across the borough are crying out for these changes. Sadly, there is little the council can do to force the hand of these management companies, only national legislatio­n will make a difference.

Even the Liberal Democrat leader of the council, at the January meeting, spoke of the need for a change of government after the next general election to have any chance of getting this much needed progress for leaseholde­rs.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to elect Labour representa­tives at all levels of government. New Labour MPs in the borough will deliver a transforma­tional policy agenda in government on housing, but it needs to be supported by local Labour councillor­s.

Together, we can realise this reform which will transform the ownership rights and living standards of thousands of people across the borough.

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