Wokingham Today

Goose droppings plaguing our streets fume angry residents


GOOSE droppings are ‘ absolutely everywhere’ on streets in Maiden Erlegh during the summer – with gardens and pavements ‘inundated’ with guano, councillor­s have been told.

Earley Town Council says it does not have to clean the streets – and is at a loss as to what to do with the geese.

Those living near Maiden Erlegh Nature Reserve noticed several more geese than usual were wandering further from the lake last summer, and said the birds were leaving droppings over paths and gardens – posing a health risk to children playing outside.

Now their residents’ associatio­n has asked Earley Town Council to help clean up.

Secretary Steve Feltham told councillor­s ‘front lawns and pavements were becoming inundated’ with the mess.

“Many of our residents and visitors to the lake are pleased to see the geese touring the estate with their young, but this does become a nuisance as the season wears on and the amount of goose droppings increases substantia­lly,” he said.

“Anyone walking around the Lakeside, Silverdale Road area during May, June, July and August can hardly fail to notice it. It is absolutely everywhere.”

Mr Feltham said there was ‘no appetite’ among residents for a cull.

He noted that oiling some goose eggs to prevent them from hatching had been suggested as ‘one option.’ Earley Town Council rejected this idea last year.

The town council says it doesn’t have the resources for street cleaning, which is Wokingham Borough Council’s job. And it says that as the geese are wild it can do little to control them.

Town clerk Jo Friend said cleaning up after the geese is ‘too big an ask for a town council.’

“We don’t have a staff member who could go out regularly to clean pavements. We’d have to get permission from Wokingham Borough Council,” she said.

“Do we clean up pigeon mess, what about dogs’ mess? It’s just not practical and it’s actually not the town council’s job to do that because they’re not our geese, it’s not our pavement.”

Ms Friend added that Wokingham Borough Council could be asked to put more resources towards street cleaning in Maiden Erlegh during the summer, but warned this would be unlikely, as the borough council’s finances are squeezed.

Town councillor­s have been told Canada geese are likely wandering further from the lake due to an aggressive new pair of wild swans who attack adult birds.

The geese may also be wandering further in search of shorter grass to eat, which is why they are attracted to front lawns.

Councillor­s are wary of doing anything to try and influence the geese that might have unforeseen consequenc­es for wildlife on the lake .

Members of Earley Town Council’s amenities and leisure committee agreed on Wednesday, March 6, to seek expert advice.

They suggested residents could install temporary fences along their lawns, and be discourage­d from feeding the geese.

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