Wokingham Today

Life in all its fullness


LIFE is hard. I’m about halfway through. I’m getting old. My hair is turning grey, my metabolism is slowing down, and I’m tired.

I feel properly grown up. I could start to slow down, to switch off, to do less. But as a Christian, I am called to ‘live life to the full’.

I don’t think this means racing cars, bungee jumps and all-night raves.

I think it means facing life, living intentiona­lly, making connection­s, loving deeply and letting go of the things that hold me back.

I need to face the challenges life throws at me, whatever they are, rather than run away or numb them out.

I need to live each day intentiona­lly, appreciati­ng the beautiful skies, awesome trees and delicate flowers, just in my back garden or passing me by on the bus.

I need to reach out to others – be brave to share, to trust, to ask for help.

I need to learn to love myself firstly, so that I can truly love others deeply, without conditions or control.

And I need to let go of negative relationsh­ips, past hurts and future anxieties because they keep me stuck.

I can do this, if I remember that I’m not doing it alone – I’m doing it with God, who is my rock, my stabiliser and my hope.

“So do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Anna Adams – Wokingham Baptist Church, facilitato­r of Celebrate Recovery, a faithbased group supporting people who want freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups, writing on behalf of Churches Together in


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