Wokingham Today

Gardeners wanted for Woodley garden

- ■ For informatio­n, email: fowp.woodley@gmail.com, or search for the group on Facebook.

AGROUP of volunteers who look after one of the borough’s public spaces is looking for people to join them.

Friends of Woodford Park have been creating and maintainin­g colourful flower beds in the Woodley public garden for nine years.

“We’re starting up again now that spring is here,” said David Provins, group organiser.

“We’ve been weeding, and planting out primroses, and lots of people stop to say thank you, and how much they enjoy the displays.

“But we’ve been doing this for eight years now, and we’d love some younger people to join us.

“It would be especially suitable for someone in between jobs, who wants to do something rewarding for the community, or someone just retired, who finds they have a bit more time on their hands.”

The group meets once a week, to tend the

13 beds in Woodford Park.

One of their first projects was a floral display for Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday in 2016.

Since then, many more blooms have been added to the area, and the group has twice received high marks for their floral display from Britain In Bloom, In Your Neighbourh­ood awards.

The park gardens are something of a community project, with Woodley residents donating plants and equipment to the group, and Wargrave Nurseries, Hare Hatch Sheeplands, and Henry Street garden centre all offering support.

“Woodley residents pop over while we’re working, and say, I’ve got one of these plants, do you want it?” said Mr Provins. “We almost always say ‘yes’, but because children use the park, we’re not so keen on planting prickly species.”

Not all the volunteers are keen gardeners.

Some have raised money for plants through the sale of greetings cards, while others grow bedding plants at home to plant in the park, and for visitors to buy.

The group enjoys the social and practical aspects of keeping Woodford Park beautiful.

“I wasn’t a gardener, “said Mr Provins, “but now I love it, and it’s a great social thing, getting together to do something for the people in our area.

“We just love to put as much colour as possible into the beds – the hyacinths and daffodils are lovely at the moment.

Would be gardeners of all ages are invited to join the Friends on Tuesday mornings in the park.

No gardening experience is needed.

 ?? Picture: FOWP ?? HELP NEEDED: Friends of Woodford Park would love people to join them
Picture: FOWP HELP NEEDED: Friends of Woodford Park would love people to join them

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