Wokingham Today

Arts4Wokin­gham runners success at Brighton Marathon

- By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.today For informatio­n, and to support the organisati­on, visit: www. arts4wokin­gham.com

ON SUNDAY, four determined runners took on the daunting task of running 26.2 miles in the Brighton Marathon to raise funds for Arts4Wokin­gham.

Last week Wokingham.Today joined two of the fundraiser­s, Anne Reece and Stuart Ratcliff, at a private class run specially for them by Strictly Come Dancing Star, Ian Waite, at Energie Fitness Wokingham.

Ian advised them to pace themselves, and Anne Reece and Stuart Ratcliff took that advice to heart.

They needed to.

They said the race day was tough, with strong winds and unexpected warmth, and the runners needed all their resources to stay the 26.2-mile course.

The Wokingham pair, who both work at Energie Fitness, managed to keep going, and both crossed the finishing line with an identical time of five hours, 47minutes and 32 seconds.

Anne said, ‘I’m now looking

forward to a well earned rest and a large gin and tonic.

“That was a real challenge but I’m thrilled that Stuart and I could embrace it together, crossing the line as one.

“It was the Arts4Wokin­gham vest that drove us on.”

Two other runners supporting Arts4Wokin­gham were Alex Prideaux, who brought in the fastest time at four hours, 25 minutes and 15 seconds, and Basingstok­e resident Amanda OxladeGoto­bed, whose time of seven hours, 19 minutes and 36 seconds was a personal triumph.

Battling fibromyalg­ia and pain, she was inspired by seeing Paula Radcliffe on the start line and focussed on making it to the end.

Arts4Wokin­gham said: “All four of these runners are heroes.

“What a public-spirited challenge to take on in the cause of public art.”

Arts4Wokin­gham’s first piece of planned public art is called The Arc, an intricate steel sculpture to be installed outside Wokingham’s Carnival Hub.

The group is raising funds for this and other projects, and remains keen to hear from any local businesses interested in supporting both the installati­on of Nicola Anthony’s Arc, and more public art to distinguis­h Wokingham borough.

 ?? ?? DID IT!: Anne Reece and Stuart Ratcliff successful­ly completed the Brighton Marathon
DID IT!: Anne Reece and Stuart Ratcliff successful­ly completed the Brighton Marathon

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