Wokingham Today

Back to the 80s


HAVING recently retired, I’m getting re-acquainted with my 80s music collection.

In Glory Days, Bruce Springstee­n sings of a chance encounter with an old school friend. Over a session in a bar, all his friend can talk about is their successful High School baseball matches.

He feels that his best is behind him.

Finishing with paid work can make you feel the same way.

In contrast to this, the rhythm of the

Christian Church’s year always points to something outside ourselves, and to a hope and belief that our best days are in front of us. And there’s a feeling that something exciting is about to happen.

After the discipline of Lent and the great joy of encounteri­ng the risen Christ at Easter, life could feel flat and seem to stretch out monotonous­ly in front of us until Christmas, even if we have a summer holiday planned.

However, my favourite festival of the year intervenes – Pentecost. Fifty days after Easter (this year May 19), Jesus has returned to his Father, and the work of redemption, kindness and keeping hope alive is passed over to me and to you.

The Holy Spirit comes to be our helper, comforter and supporter in this work, and we’re all in it together.

We don’t have to feel like Bruce’s baseball playing friend, after all, but can travel joyously into the future and, as he sings elsewhere, “We’re gonna get to that place that we really want to go and we’ll walk in the sun.” (Born to Run.)

Paul Armitage from St Nicholas’, Emmbrook, writing on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

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