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How to age-proof your hair

Clue: It’s not all about the cut. Invest in the quality of your hair and it’ll pay dividends for years to come, says Fiona McKim


expert tips

We can all concede that getting older is better than the alternativ­e, but that doesn’t have to apply to your hair – up top, you’ve got options. Brands are savvy to your changing needs, follically speaking (no surprise, given a huge study by Unilever Personal Care found women aged 45+ use more hair treatments than any other group), so care and colour technology has not only caught up with our hair’s ageing process, but outfoxed it entirely. The days of mandatory dryness and wiry greys are over, instead we can preserve and improve the quality of our hair so it looks, behaves and feels just how we want it to. Your best hair days are yet to come. >>

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