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6 surprising benefits of walking step out for good health

It’s the simplest physical activity we can do – yet it’s incredibly beneficial for our health


We’re always told about the positives of running and lifting weights, but slowing things down and going for a walk can provide a whole host of health benefits too. walking is a natural, low-impact way of moving the body, which means less chance of injury. read on to discover more of its amazing benefits…

1 It curbs cravIngs as well as burning calories, a study from the university of Exeter found that a short walk helped people reduce their intake of high-calorie snack foods by half.

2 It helps regulate hormones Women who walk after menopause lower their risk of breast cancer – even if they do absolutely no other form of exercise – according to research by the american cancer society. Walking for at least an hour a day cuts the risk by 14%, since it’s thought to regulate the levels of hormones that can encourage breast tumours to grow.

3 It Increases bone strength

Every time your feet hit the floor when you walk, your bones get a jolt that strengthen­s them. In fact, women who walk at least one mile a day have a higher bone density after menopause than those who walk less. 4 It burns as much fat as runnIng lower-intensity exercises such as walking actually force the body to burn more body fat. your body is more likely to burn existing fat stores with this lowerinten­sity exercise than it is when you’re running at a higher tempo. For more fat burn, try swinging your arms to increase your calorie expenditur­e.

5 It helps fIght major dIseases Walking is just as effective as running for fighting diabetes and heart disease, according to us researcher­s. just one brisk 10-minute walk a day can reduce the risk of early death by 15%, while the stroke associatio­n found that just 30 minutes of brisk walking can help to prevent and control high blood pressure.

6 It’s a natural mood-booster When researcher­s asked people with depression to walk for 30 minutes, three times a week, for 16 weeks, they found it had similar mood-boosting effects to antidepres­sants.

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