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Astrologer Wendy Bristow’s prediction­s for January



20 JaNuarY – 19 FEBruarY

this month a key relationsh­ip hits a turning point. someone’s changing (you or them) and it’s make or break. if it breaks, there’s no going back. Call 0905 789 4160* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

pisCEs 20 FEBruarY – 20 MarCh

a tricky time for friendship­s. mid-month someone gets critical and you’ve had enough. relationsh­ips can end this month so that’s an option. Whatever happens, you’re bouncing back.

Call 0905 789 4161* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

ariEs 21 MarCh – 20 apriL

mars in aries boosts drive of all kinds, including the sexy kind. Beware taking on too much. that said, you’re on a high. Call 0905 789 4150* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

taurus 21 apriL – 21 MaY

a family member is having a difficult month while it’s going smoothly for you. at times, though, their issues become yours, so look for a positive solution. Call 0905 789 4151* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

gEMiNi 22 MaY – 22 JuNE

mid-month is challengin­g when a critical individual makes life tricky. from the 7th on, venus sprinkles fairy dust on romantic relationsh­ips. Call 0905 789 4152* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

CaNCEr 23 JuNE – 23 JuLY

Whatever you do, you encounter opposition. even so, you feel pulled towards something or someone. try a new approach and the blocks disappear. Call 0905 789 4153* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

LEo 24 JuLY – 23 august

January’s big moment happens around the leo lunar eclipse on the 21st. it’s a chance to clear emotional baggage that’s been building for six months. Call 0905 789 4154* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

Virgo 24 august – 22 sEptEMBEr

a situation that occurs with a child or lover requires delicate handling. do look after your own needs too. Call 0905 789 4155* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

LiBra 23 sEptEMBEr – 23 oCtoBEr

there are developmen­ts you’re happy about, but January’s not without challenges. if you fall out with someone around the 21st, it won’t be pretty. and it might be permanent.

Call 0905 789 4156* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

sCorpio 24 oCtoBEr – 22 NoVEMBEr

you’re older, wiser and certainly wised up about someone significan­t. now you benefit via greater self-esteem. Call 0905 789 4157* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

sagittariu­s 23 NoVEMBEr – 22 dECEMBEr

nothing squashes your mood. your feel-good ruler sagittariu­s is joined by venus on the 7th, making it a great time for hot dates and giggly girls’ nights. Call 0905 789 4158* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

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