Woman&Home Feel Good You

start By tryinG


When it comes to striking out, many of us fall at the first hurdle. or rather we don’t fall at all because we don’t try in the first place. “if you believe ‘i’m not cut out for this’, that will flow through to your behaviour,” says Price. “so you will either give up or you won’t try.”

the first step, therefore, is to acknowledg­e these negative beliefs.

“We can talk ourselves out of doing things because they seem frightenin­g,” says Price. “even leading sports people experience nerves and doubts. it’s what you do next that matters.”

Next time you hear that panicked voice saying “i’m not good enough”, do as Price suggests: “Put a few words before the belief. tell yourself, ‘oh, there’s my emotional brain saying i’m not good enough.’ it will put a bit of distance between yourself and the thought.”

Do It “Write the thoughts down in a journal,” says Price. “that will help you notice when you cling to negative experience­s. How is that negativity affecting your behaviour?”

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