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There’s no age limit to great hair…

All the old rules around age-appropriat­e hair have been cancelled (thank goodness!). Meet three women who love their long styles and another who has just gone for the chop…


Long hair don’T care

Once, not so long ago, when you reached a certain age, you were supposed to stop. Stop having fun, stop having sex and stop having great hair. If it was long you needed to cut it (past your shoulders was considered inappropri­ate, verging on immoral). And if it was short, it must be sensible and sexless.

Well, NO LONGER! Long hair is now an option. And a fabulous one. It’s swishy, it’s sexy, and it’s versatile and incredibly flattering. Short hair is chic, sharp and can add an edge. You just need a style that suits you and your hair.

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