Woman&Home Feel Good You

Ask me anything...


What are you terrified of? Cockroache­s and rats.

What’s your biggest addiction? I can leave a pile of chocolates on the table, but I can’t leave crisps, so we can’t have them in the house.

What’s the Wildest thing

you’ve done? That extreme triathlon! The wildest thing of that was jumping off a ferry into the dark water, which had orca whales swimming in it!

What is one thing you’d change about yourself? I wouldn’t have given up competitiv­e sport when I was 15, but then maybe I wouldn’t be doing it now.

What is your life mantra? Go for it!

Who is your ultimate poWer Woman? Currently Vicky Holland, a world champion triathlete.

What’s your guilty pleasure? On a Wednesday, I come back from work and get into the bath and catch up on TV I’ve missed. It feels so lush because it’s 12 o’clock in the afternoon!

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