Woman&Home Feel Good You

More than half of all mental ill health starts before the age of 14 years**



DIET There’s a clear link between what we eat and how we feel, so aim for your teen to have regular mealtimes and a healthy balanced diet. Encourage them to avoid caffeine and sugary drinks, which can cause mood swings and energy highs and slumps.

EXERCISE AND FRESH AIR This raises the heart rate and releases feel-good endorphins. The rhythmic effect of walking outdoors in fresh air can help people relax and feel better at any age. Ask if they’ll come for a walk with you or offer to pay for a trial gym membership. RELAX Switching off tech and being with friends, watching a film, playing a board game, being in nature and deep breathing all promote relaxation.

SLEEP Regular bedtimes and waking up times help us feel our best. Catching up on sleep at the weekend just results in a kind of “jet lag”. Make sure their bedroom is dark and quiet, and suggest they avoid screen time two hours before bedtime. STIMULANTS Alcohol and drugs are everywhere and it’s difficult for young people to avoid them within social settings. But “quick fixes” like cannabis can act as a depressant, making teens feel paranoid, and reducing their ambition and drive. Remind your teen that both drugs and alcohol can cause mental health problems, and make existing troubles worse. >>

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