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Man of the moment George Clooney

Arguably one of the most legendary stars of all time, this month, the 58-year-old actor is directing and starring in new drama Catch-22


George lives with his wife, human rights lawyer Amal, 41, and their one-year-old twins, Alexander and Ella. They have homes in Los Angeles, Italy and Berkshire, England.

My childhood memories… The first thing that I learned – and I understood it at a young age – was that I could get a laugh. My father’s a really funny man, and at the time we were growing up, in the mid-60s and I was like seven years old, they always had dinner parties. My dad would tell a story, something a little risqué, and I knew I could take the next step. The little-bit-dirtier version. The place would explode, and Dad would kick me under the table!

My rise to fame… I didn’t really think about acting when I was younger. My dad was an anchorman, and before that, he had a variety show called The Nick Clooney Show. He would put me in this leprechaun outfit, give me a cigar, sit me on a chair and interview me as St Patrick, but that never felt like acting. That just felt like playing. My cousin Miguel Ferrer, who was a wonderful actor, came to visit Kentucky with his dad Jose Ferrer for a film. And at the end of the movie, my

My wife… She is this remarkable human being and now mother, which is something I suppose you should assume she would be wonderful at as well. When you see it in person, it makes you feel incredibly proud.

My twins… My house is filled with the warm sounds of babies crying. You should see when my friends show up and see me change a diaper, the laughter that comes from them. I go, “I know, I know.”

I’ve given them so much sh** for so many years, I deserve every bit of it.

My role in Catch-22… It’s one of the great American novels of all time, and the writers did such a great job of unspooling these characters. They just figured out a way to interpret it that we didn’t think was really possible.

Catch-22 is on Channel 4 this spring.

 ??  ?? cousin said to me, “Come to California and be an actor,” and I said, “OK!” and that’s how it sort of happened – by accident in a way.
cousin said to me, “Come to California and be an actor,” and I said, “OK!” and that’s how it sort of happened – by accident in a way.

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