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Your stars July horoscopes

Astrologer Wendy Bristow’s prediction­s for the month of July




Communicat­ion gets chaotic on the 7th with a profound misunderst­anding at heart. On the 23rd you’re back in control and on the 28th relationsh­ips blossom. Call 0905 789 4154* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

VirGo 24 AUGUST – 22 SePTeMBer

Mistakes around the 7th are hard to sort without an argument. On the other hand, it clears the air. Friends are helpful and, if you’re interested, romantic.

Call 0905 789 4155* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

LiBrA 23 SePTeMBer – 23 oCToBer

Around the 9th is super significan­t, with potential to bust out of a trying situation. Try a braver approach and miracles happen. Then you can put your feet up. Call 0905 789 4156* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

SCorPio 24 oCToBer – 22 NoVeMBer

There’s a soap-opera feel to situations you find yourself in. Beware a big row around the 7th, especially with authority figures. It will end well if you’re clear. Call 0905 789 4157* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

SAGiTTAriU­S 23 NoVeMBer – 22 DeCeMBer

Jupiter helps you bounce back from challenges. And there are several. Secrets come to light, especially about money or sex. Even so, you cope well. Call 0905 789 4158* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.


23 DeCeMBer – 19 JANUArY

Events around the 9th and 16th are “change or bust” moments. You may need to shift old patterns and let people go to get there. You can do it. Call 0905 789 4159* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

AqUAriUS 20 JANUArY – 19 FeBrUArY

It’s hard to stop yourself dredging up old hurts around the 9th. See it as a chance to let it all go. Loved ones are snappy, but they’re pussycats after the 28th. Call 0905 789 4160* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

PiSCeS 20 FeBrUArY – 20 MArCH

Need a break and haven’t planned one? Sort it. Otherwise you risk issues that spoil fun in the sun. Meanwhile, someone isn’t telling the whole story. Call 0905 789 4161* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

ArieS 21 MArCH – 20 APriL

You’re on a mission from the 2nd to make the most of summer, but things keep fouling up. The more you finetune the details, the easier it is.

Call 0905 789 4150* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

TAUrUS 21 APriL – 21 MAY

Watch what you say (and write), and check travel plans carefully. Keeping everything in perspectiv­e helps.

Call 0905 789 4151* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

GeMiNi 22 MAY – 22 JUNe

After the 7th Mercury goes backwards and life is chaotic. Refrain from adding to the drama. Try to stay strong.

Call 0905 789 4152* and choose weekly, monthly and yearly updates.

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