Woman&Home Feel Good You

The boomerang child – plus four!



our youngest left home 15 years ago, my partner and I appreciate­d the chance to reconnect. Then COVID hit, and he and his wife both lost their jobs and moved back in with us – along with their three under-10s. It’s been a year now, and the noise, sticky fingerprin­ts and toys everywhere are trying our patience. How do we tell them we need our space without causing a rift?


have your child return home again is difficult at the best of times. Have a conversati­on, where you tell them that, while they’ll always have a home with you, they might like your help in restoring their independen­ce. Do they need help looking for a place? Financial assistance for a deposit? In planning together, you can make this a good experience and, hopefully, get back your own independen­ce.

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