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It’s been a long time since those biology lessons in school, so what exactly does each hormone do?



This has many functions, including maintainin­g bone health, keeping hair and skin healthy, and balancing our moods. As our levels drop, we see symptoms such as hair and skin thinning, an increased risk of osteoporos­is, vaginal dryness and loss of skin elasticity.


Before the menopause, progestero­ne is produced by the ovaries after ovulation. During perimenopa­use, we ovulate less, so our bodies produce less progestero­ne, resulting in a hormone imbalance. This often leads to mood swings and irregular periods. Progestero­ne also affects our libido, balances our blood sugar levels and reduces hot flushes.


Although this is mainly a male sex hormone, women produce it too. It helps increase libido, boosts muscle mass and energy levels and helps to improve memory and bone density. As levels drop, it leads to irritabili­ty, tiredness, depression and an increased risk of osteoporos­is.


(short for dehydroepi­androstero­ne) is a hormone produced by your adrenal gland – which is where the stress hormone cortisol is also produced. DHEA helps your body produce other hormones, such as oestrogen and progestero­ne, so being under too much stress affects its production, and levels decline as you get older.

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