Woman&Home Feel Good You



1 HRT Artificial­ly replacing lost hormones can help ease all menopause symptoms, including insomnia. Any drug, however, can have side effects, so discuss with your GP before starting it.

2 RUNNING Exercising in the fresh air is a fantastic sleep inducer. Daylight helps regulate the release of melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle. Just avoid exercise too close to bedtime because you’ll raise body temperatur­e and chemicals, such as adrenaline, which increase alertness.

3 ROUTINE Having the same going-to-bed and getting-up time every night and morning gives your body an establishe­d pattern, which our bodies thrive on and function best with.

4 CUT CAFFEINE I avoid it at all costs after midday and restrict myself to just one cup of tea in the morning. If I have it in the afternoon, I always find it harder to drift off.

5 GET HELP ‘Over-thecounter sleep aids are a great way to deal with temporary sleep problems,’ says Dr Ebrahim. I use Phenergan Night Time (£4.99 for 14 tablets) for the rare night I can’t drift off. Its active ingredient promethazi­ne hydrochlor­ide reduces histamine levels in your brain to help you sleep. ‘If symptoms last longer than a week, seek help,’ advises Dr Ebrahim.

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