Woman & Home (UK)

Embracing THE NEW


If there’s one thing we have all got used to this year, it is change. But what we’ve all learned from the numerous lockdowns of 2020 is that we are all stronger and more resilient than we could have ever imagined. I have never spent so much time at home during my working life – even my maternity leaves were shorter than lockdown! But women like us have found an inner strength, not only to keep going, but to use our new-found time constructi­vely.

to bake at weekends and even taken up embroidery in the evenings! It’s amazing how adaptable we can all be. Never before has the maxim ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ rung so true.

One of the focal points for many of us has been looking forward to Christmas – in the hope we can see our nearest and dearest again, and exchange hugs and gifts. While for many this may now mean virtual hugs and online gift vouchers, we wanted to bring you an issue of woman&home that was all about uplifting your spirits at this time of year. So whether you want to try out your culinary skills with our party food recipes (even if it’s just for a handful of loved ones), need some mood-boosting playlist ideas (our Smooth FM presenters can help), or would like to make your home sparkle all season, it’s all here.

And in the spirit of change, this will be my last Editor’s letter, as I’m moving on to oversee a portfolio of women’s magazines. It’s been a pleasure bringing you woman&home every month, and I’d like to wish you all the best for the New Year, 2021 and beyond.

CATHERINE WESTWOOD Editor-in-chief, woman&home catherine.westwood@futurenet.com

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