Woman & Home (UK)

‘It’s like Santa has thrown up Christmas in my house!’


Christmas only comes once a year, so I have lots of decoration­s! One of my friends always says it’s like Santa Claus has thrown up Christmas in my house, and we’re known for having the Christmas smell too.

In November, I buy a huge candle that has that Christmas spice smell, and when supermarke­ts start playing Christmas music, I light the candle. I light it every day and it lasts me until January.

I also love a Christmas like it if it has a bit of colour and sparkle. It’s the time of year when we’re all looking our palest and we all wear black, so we look even paler, which is ridiculous, really.

My family is spread out right around the world so, as often as we can, we try and encourage them all to come to us, although this year will look very different.

Christmas Eve is always the time to get excited about Santa coming. It’s just so magical having a child in the house at that time of year. When I was little, my brother and I would sit on the stairs on Christmas morning, and my dad would go downstairs and say ‘Santa’s been!’ And we do that with my daughter now.

We always leave out mince pies, carrots, whisky and wine for Santa the night before, then on Christmas Day, we usually open our presents in our pyjamas, and then we’ll go for a big walk with the dog.

forward once you have children. In fact, we often have friends come over and bring the kids, so it’s a family get-together.

My most memorable New Year’s Eve was the year before we got married. We got married at Babington House in Somerset, and six months before, we spent New Year there. It was the most fun we’ve ever had and was really special because we woke up on New Year’s Day at the venue that we were going to be getting married at – and it was the last year of having a really fun New Year’s just as a couple, so it was lovely.

✣ Smooth Breakfast with Jenni Falconer,

Jenni Falconer, 44, lives in London with her husband James Midgley, their nine-year-old

Monday to Friday, 6am to 10am. Jenni also presents Saturday, 10am to 1pm

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