Woman & Home (UK)


Got a medical problem or need health advice? Ask GP Dr Rosemary Leonard


Q AI’m having a couple of friends over for a meal, and one of them is apparently allergic to nuts. I’m aware that this can be very serious, so should I cook her meal completely separately, and check every ingredient carefully? Nut allergy can vary enormously between different people and although some are sensitive to several types of nuts, others are only affected by one or two. Peanuts are the most common culprit, while allergy to chestnuts and nutmegs, both often used in Christmas food, is quite rare. Similarly, the severity of the reaction can vary, but in some just a tiny trace of a nut product can be enough to trigger life-threatenin­g swelling of the airway.

You need to get more details from your friend, and if she has a genuine severe allergy, you should make sure her food has not been cooked or served in any container or with foods that could possibly have been contaminat­ed with the nuts concerned.

QI’ve recently been started on a three-month course of antibiotic­s to try to prevent frequent bladder infections. Does this mean I should avoid alcohol? And how would antibiotic­s affect my mother, who is on pills for blood pressure and type-2 diabetes? Contrary to popular belief, there is no problem drinking alcohol when taking antibiotic­s. The one exception to this is metronidaz­ole, which can cause severe nausea when mixed with alcohol. However, alcohol, especially strong spirits, can irritate the bladder, and so may make your urinary symptoms worse. Moderate amounts of alcohol do not interfere with most blood pressure medication­s, but large amounts, especially of wine, can disrupt control of blood sugar levels, so it’s not a good idea in those with diabetes. Alcohol is also best avoided in those taking medication­s that can cause sedation, such as antidepres­sants, strong painkiller­s containing opiates (such as codeine and tramadol) and some antihistam­ines. Remember too that these medication­s can affect driving skills, and you certainly should not drink at all if you are going to behind the wheel.


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