Woman & Home (UK)




Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the UK, and yet when asked to imagine a patient having a heart attack, you’re likely to think of a man who has obesity in his 50s or 60s clutching his chest!

It’s caused by a build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels, meaning that the heart has to work harder to pump blood around. If a piece of this fatty deposit breaks off in a coronary artery, which supplies the heart with blood, you may have a heart attack as blood – and therefore oxygen – can’t reach the heart muscle itself.

The classic heart attack symptoms of central crushing chest pain, shortness of breath and sweating are actually classic symptoms in men. They can occur in women, but may be less severe, or they may have other symptoms, such as chest pressure or tightness as opposed to pain. Pressure or pain may be felt in the chest but also the upper back, neck, jaw, stomach, or one or both arms. You may have shortness of breath, dizziness or light-headedness, nausea, heartburn sensation or sudden fatigue. Any symptoms, call 999 – time matters, as treatment may need to be given quickly.

To try and prevent coronary heart disease, it’s important to treat conditions that could contribute, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Stop smoking, try to lose weight if you need to, eat a healthy, balanced diet and do regular exercise. Irrespecti­ve of your weight, physical activity has huge health benefits and will decrease your coronary heart disease risk. Move in whatever way you enjoy and remember – every little counts!

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