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“I like to start watching Christmas films in early December”


Good Morning Britain presenter riChard arnold lives in london. i adored Christmas as a nipper. like every child, i was up at the crack of a sparrow’s cough. one of my earliest memories is sleeping with one eye open as my father struggled to hang a pillowcase at the end of my bed. and boxing Day was always a great caper with my cousins. lots of games played before settling down in front of a movie. some of my fondest memories are of mum, dad and i at a small hotel in marylebone in london with all the locals before i moved somewhere big enough to have a dining table. the streets of london are deserted over christmas and with the capital swept of people, it’s wonderful wandering around under the twinkly lights. the year dad passed away, i couldn’t bear to cook at home with an empty space at the table, so i booked mum, my other half and i into Claridge’s. We were upgraded to the most incredible suite with a tree, a piano and a cross-stitched blanket for our cockapoo clemmie. I cried when I walked in the room.

i start watching Christmas films in early december. I kick things off with National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, via Love Actually, Miracle on 34th Street and on christmas eve, It’s a Wonderful Life.

i’ll be cooking at home this year after taking mum to australia last year for a trip of the lifetime. We also have a cracking local pub full of regulars. Dad was an east ender, and I certainly take after him when it comes to having a good old knees-up! w&h

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