Woman (UK)

‘If I cared about getting older, I’d still dye my hair!’

Martin Kemp talks being a silver fox and why he’s no fan of showbiz partiesé


‘when you go through a health scare like I did, all you’re thinking is that you want to get back to normal. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle now. If I’m not working I go to the gym every day, not to get super fit but to give my head some space. I love spinning and I like lifting weights. At home we eat healthily, always organic food – my wife does the cooking and I dry up. But then on Friday we get a curry and that blows it all out the water!’

‘my wife Shirlie and I will be together for the rest of our lives. Shirlie is not only the woman I’m in love with, but she’s also my best friend, and I wouldn’t want to ruin that for anything. I’m not a big romantic as such, but Shirlie and I like to do little romantic things for each other every day, like bringing each other a cup of tea in bed or going for a nice long walk. It’s the little things that count.’

‘Having had such a great time in showbiz, I could never have told my kids not to go into the business. I believe the happiest you can be is when you turn your hobby into your job. Of course you have to be lucky, but it’s not a bad place to start. When I was growing up my mum and dad never had any money, but they gave me the space to find my feet and they allowed me to find a path that led to happiness. My daughter Harley’s a photograph­er and Roman’s a DJ, which is great, but I’m more proud of the people they’ve become than what they do.’

‘I’m not worried about getting older. That’s why people say I’m a silver fox! If I was worried I’d still be putting colour on! I’m enjoying this part of my life. My family and my work keep me grounded. Fame isn’t even a part of it, because you’re just in amongst people who are all working. It’s only when you’re outside of that arena of work that it can become difficult. I love to get up in the morning and go to work.’

‘I’m not a big showbiz person, the parties and big nights out are a part of the business I’ve left behind. I’d much rather be at home hanging out with my family than being on the red carpet. When you’re young all of that is really exciting, but as you get older you think, would I rather go to the cinema and have everyone taking pictures of me or would I prefer to go to my local cinema and have popcorn and Diet Coke in private?’ The whole showbiz side of the business is an illusion and it’s all about whether or not you decide to take part in that illusion or not.’ ‘working with Gary Barlow on Let It Shine was wonderful. You can see his brain ticking over all the time. He was a big inspiratio­n to me. I went to see his musical The Girls recently – it’s fantastic. He’s a real workaholic but it’s inspiratio­nal seeing someone with so much energy and creative drive. He’s a good example of how to use your success wisely.’

‘I believe that inside all of us is a little box called evil and most people can keep it locked up all their life, but others fall by the wayside. But that’s why I’ve loved being an actor because when I play someone such as Steve Owen in Eastenders, I got to have a little peek inside that box. And when I was on set as The Krays I got to meet all their East End gang, and it fascinated me.’

‘Having down time is part of being in the business so I don’t worry about work drying up. When you get to my age you become comfortabl­e with that, it’s all peaks and troughs. It’s quite difficult for young guys starting out to understand, because sometimes you have days where you feel like the world has forgotten you. When I look back to the early days of Spandau Ballet, I feel nostalgic. I always think the best point in any band is right at the beginning because everyone is united in one ambition and everyone’s really happy. You basically all want the same thing and you’re so close-knit like a family. But I like to look forward in life, I like to move on and keep doing exciting things.’ ✱ Martin Kemp’s Detective in on Quest Red, Saturdays at 9pm

‘gary barlow is an inspiratio­n’

Even after 30 years in the business, martin Kemp still has the kind of easy going charm that comes from being a teen idol adored by millions. But don’t be fooled, it takes more than good looks to be a showbiz stalwart and behind the nice guy persona, martin, 55, is one smart cookie. In his colossal career that started with Spandau Ballet, he’s also won critical acclaim as an actor, starring as bad boy on the block Steve owen in Eastenders, as well as his chilling turn as Reggie Kray opposite brother Gary in the 1990 film, The Krays.

But it hasn’t all been plain sailing. In the mid-90s martin underwent a lifesaving operation to remove two brain tumours, recovering with the love and support of his family – his wife of 30 years Shirlie Holliman and their daughter Harley moon, 27, and son Roman, 24...

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