Woman (UK)

‘I fell in love’


Jo andrews, 41, lives near Boroughbri­dge, north Yorkshire, with husband Stuart, 45. They have a daughter, Lilly, three.

As soon as I saw Stuart over the garden fence, I felt my heart beat faster. Somehow, I knew we were meant to be. But there was a problem – I was already married…

After 10 years and two children, my husband and I were more like brother and sister. The way I was attracted to Stuart was like nothing I’d experience­d before. If I saw him on the driveway, I’d find an excuse to dash outside.

And I knew the feeling was mutual. Stuart added me as a friend on Facebook and we’d chat every evening. We had so much in common – from our love of music to our passion for the outdoors – and he made me laugh until my cheeks hurt.

Our messages soon turned flirty and then, late one night, when he asked me to meet him outside, I didn’t hesitate. When we shared our first kiss in the garden, it felt so exciting. From that moment, everything changed. We met in secret, in car parks and hotels. But this wasn’t just lust – when I was with Stuart, I was the happiest I’d ever been.

After six weeks, I knew I wanted to be with Stuart forever. I told my husband I didn’t love him the way he deserved, and left our home that night.

I lost the house, the car, even my clothes. And my children stayed living with their dad.

I fell pregnant 16 months later and in September 2013 our daughter, Lily, was born. Stuart and I got married two years later and although everything from my past has now gone, I wouldn’t change a single thing I did for a second. I’ve found my soulmate.

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