Woman (UK)

I think he has a drinking problem


Ihave a colleague I’m friendly with who recently got married. She invited me and my husband to the wedding and I thought her groom was nice, but noticed he got a bit drunk. Nothing unusual about that, but since then she has mentioned many times that he’s missed work because of feeling hungover. We met up with them and other friends for a meal last week and he was so drunk we had to help them home. She was embarrasse­d, but from what she said, it was clear this was par for the course. She jokes about it, but I’m not sure whether I should say something.

Suzie says:

You can’t be sure what is going on but it does seem more than possible that her husband has a drinking problem. That doesn’t mean you have either the responsibi­lity or the right to intervene. If you were a friend you might be able to risk offering an opinion and advice, when she could take it or leave it. But as a colleague you have to continue working together. I would make one attempt. Next time she brings up the subject, gently suggest she checks out the Drink Aware website (drinkaware.co.uk) and then back off.

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