Woman (UK)


Eamonn shows his jealous side over Ruth’s secret admirer…


Eamonn Holmes mounted a mammoth TV takeover recently when he was drafted in to cover for Piers morgan on Good Morning Britain as well as presenting This Morning with wife Ruth in Holly and Phil’s absence over Easter. But perhaps the pressure of anchoring two shows was fraying his nerves, as there seemed to be an increase of on-screen spats with his other half.

Eamonn showed a rare jealous streak when he stormed off the This Morning sofa after Ruth received a message that started with ‘Hey baby.’ Eamonn grabbed the phone in mock anger exclaiming, ‘You should see what I’ve just seen on my wife’s phone.’ But the Irishman calmed down when he realised that the text was from their co-presenter, Rylan Clark-neal. He said, ‘Look who it’s from, it’s from Rylan, nothing to worry about there!’

And when he took the hot seat on Good Morning Britain, Eamonn confided to Kate Garraway that the early starts had driven a wedge between him and Ruth. He even stated they might end up in separate beds due to his eye-wateringly early 2.40am alarm. He said, ‘I think separate sleeping arrangemen­ts will be brought into force.’ But later on This Morning, he cheekily added Ruth was too busy snoring at that time of night to notice!

Eamonn came closer to oversteppi­ng the mark again when he suggested his wife had put on weight! Discussing Sheridan Smith piling on pounds for an acting role, Eamonn joked, ‘That’s what Ruth has had to do for This Morning – put weight on for the role.’ His comments caused a furore on social media, with one user writing, ‘Some of the things Eamonn says to Ruth are bang out of order.’

Days later, he was putting his foot in it again, calling Charlotte Hawkins the most beautiful bride he’d ever seen. No wonder Ruth said she was thinking of divorcing him over some of his cheeky comments!

Having stepped down from his role on Sky News’ Sunrise after 11 years, Eamonn vowed he’d be taking some well-earned rest. But he can’t seem to take it easy for long. ‘When the opportunit­y came up to do a week at Good Morning Britain, formerly GMTV my old stomping ground, nostalgia got the better of me,’ he said.

Taking over from Piers went down well with fans, one commented, ‘It just feels right, welcome back Eamonn Holmes.’

Early starts might have made Eamonn cheekier than normal, but Ruth doesn’t seem to mind. When she saw him cuddling a baby on TV, she tweeted, ‘Fancy another Eamonn, I’d better rethink those sleeping arrangemen­ts!’

With the TV duo proving so popular, their work load is sure to increase. Luckily, Ruth takes Eamonn’s outbursts in her stride. It’s why we love them so much!

 ??  ?? Rylan and Ruth are the best of friends – on screen and off Come on, Eamonn, Rylan’s our screen son!
Rylan and Ruth are the best of friends – on screen and off Come on, Eamonn, Rylan’s our screen son!
 ??  ?? Eamonn with Kate Garraway – on GMTV 12 years ago and reunited recently
Eamonn with Kate Garraway – on GMTV 12 years ago and reunited recently

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