Woman (UK)

‘i came up With £1 million idea on my sofa’


Gill Sherwin, 43, lives in Cheshire with her husband will, 53, and their daughter Kate*, seven. Gill set up Best of British Beer in July 2011. now she has partnershi­ps with notonthehi­ghstreet.com, Funky Pigeon and waitrose.

Light-bulb moment

Working as an operations director I was often away from home. After Will and I got married in June 2008, I wanted to be more settled. I started brainstorm­ing ideas in my living room. I thought about opening a shop, but I didn’t think it’d be a big enough challenge, so I looked into selling online – something I could grow worldwide. Will and I were always trying new ales, and then I discovered you couldn't buy great British beer online...

First steps

After convincing Will to leave his job in operations, we invested £20,000 of our savings. We asked a design agency to create a website and travelled to breweries. We discovered people didn’t want to buy crates of the same beer – they’d much rather a variety. That’s when we came up with the idea of offering gift sets.

The launch

In September 2011, we approached notonthehi­ghstreet.com to partner up. It cost us £700 to join but as our customer base expanded, we needed more stock and a month later we rented out our first warehouse. Two years later we started making gift sets for Selfridges and Waitrose. We now own a warehouse and in the last financial year made £1 million – it really was a ‘pinch me’ moment.

Biggest challenge

I soon realised that doing everything yourself isn’t easy. Not only did I have to look after the website and learn all about SEO, but I also had to handle any glitches and all the finances – a lot of pressure. ✱


 ??  ?? Top tip we got in touch with our local chamber of commerce through the council and were given a mentor to help with our business strategies. It was useful getting advice from someone with experience. Beer connoisseu­r
Top tip we got in touch with our local chamber of commerce through the council and were given a mentor to help with our business strategies. It was useful getting advice from someone with experience. Beer connoisseu­r

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