Woman (UK)



1 when you’re out and about do you generally find other people...

a Very friendly. B approachab­le. C ok – i don’t really notice. D generally unhelpful and sometimes difficult.

2 at a workplace social event do you immediatel­y...

a breeze up to the nearest person and start talking. B take a deep breath and look for someone you know. C take a quick look and if there’s no one you know, leave. D never go to these events unless it’s with a friend.

Do you feel that your opinion matters?

a yes. B yes, but not everyone will agree with me. C no, no one’s interested. D i don’t have an opinion.

4 If your partner does something that upsets you can you tell them how you feel?

a always. B often. C occasional­ly. D never.

5 If you try something new and it doesn’t work, do you think...

a it was fine. B i’ll have another go but maybe try it differentl­y. C that always happens to me. i’m useless. D i won’t try that again.

6 Given a complex problem to solve, do you...

a tackle it alone, pretty sure you can work it out. B take a look and ask for help. C take a look and then give up. D Don’t bother to try, it’s too difficult.

7 If you make a mistake do you feel...

a Fine, it’s just a mistake. B ok. i’ll try it again differentl­y. C terrible – such an idiot. D Furious with yourself and can’t let it go.

8 How successful do you think you are compared to others your age?

a generally, i’m more successful. B i don’t know, i don’t really make comparison­s. C everyone is more successful than me.

D i’m a complete failure.

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